Your Stories

Best Friends Story

Amy wanted a special gift for her friends 40th birthday

Hampshire Petals

Best Friends Birthday

Amy had know her best friend for over 20 years, they had gone to University together, lived together and been on lots of special holidays as families. She wanted to give a gift that meant something and that would represent parts of their relationship together. We talked about where they both lived, where they had met at University in Hampshire and the places that they had travelled together.

hampshire flowers with card.

I worked with Sarah from who lives in Hampshire where Amy and her friend had gone to University together. Sarah grows some of her own flowers and also works with “British Flower Farms.” We worked together to find some flowers with some beautiful meanings and I created a couple of options with the flowers that Sarah had sent over from Hampshire. Amy received emails so she could choose her preferred necklace for her friend. I created a unique card to finish off the gift, that gave details about the flowers, petals and leaves that were used.