Mother's Day and International Women's Day

Celebrating the women that made a difference in my life..

Everyone has a mum or a "surrogate" mother, that has played a part in their lives. Growing up I had my mum who stayed at home until I was 8 and my sister nearly 5. I was super lucky to have her around, making cakes, painting and trips to the allotment. I know that she did far more but these are the special things I remember.

I also had my Gran who would have me at a drop of a hat at her house, it was always an adventure, she had a massive garden, a greenhouse with a water-butt from which I used fill the watering-can to help her water her garden, not to forget the mud-pies and the den's too.

From high school age, my by best friend's mum became part of my life whom I call mum No.2 as I spent a lot of time around my friends house after school where we would do silly things that just made us laugh.

Now I'm married I have my mother-in-law but as I have known her since I was 16 years old (yes I know, I met my hubby young!) she doesn't feel like the stereotypical "mother-in-law" she is just as kind and lovely as if she was my own mum.


UK Mother's day orders are being taken up 10PM Wednesday 8th March 2018.




Setting Up At Chelsea Flower Show


Roses for me?