Pulse and my top 10 tips for trade stands!


Its great to get and see other designers at Trade shows...just last week I was at Pulse.

I met many designers that I follow or have met at other events. It was wonderful to see all the great stands. Each designer I spoke to was very helpful, with questions that I had, they gave me incites to the event and how to show your best work.

Anna Wiscombe is a designer that I have come to know more over this year as we have been with Designer Makers at Spitalfields together. She was super helpful with her incites into the event, I love how elegant her stand was at Pulse this year.

Anna Wiscombe

Anna Wiscombe

Top 10 Tips:

1. Don't follow the crowd, the buyers have come here to find new trends, the designers at Pulse and other trade shows are here to bring the next great thing!

2. Only take items that you are willing to sell wholesale..even if it fits with a collection.

3. Its great to have a collection and you should be looking at at least 13 new pieces that work as a collection to take in addition to your range.

4. Make sure your stand shows off your brand and your products, if there isn't enough room to show everything have samples, swatches or photos to show off additional colours/patterns and don't forget to leave room for your logo.

5. Trade stands are expensive so sharing is a great option and many trade events have a new comers area which are slightly cheaper.

6. Use postcards, business cards and catalogues to entice your customers and give them something to walk away with...if they don't place an order now they might do later.

7. Make room for a mailing list to grab those that don't have time to chat but are interested in your work.

7. Even at trade shows you have to build relationships and trust to get orders. Make sure you show off your press features and if possible a portfolio to show your commercial success.

8. Look presentable and wear your product if possible...you could even have your design made up in material to have part of your design on show.

9. Take a friend or family member that can help you out when it gets busy as you don't want to miss sales whilst you are chatting to another customer.

10. Make sure you know all the answers to buy your products - lead times, prices, discount if they order x amount, delivery, how much to ship overseas and packaging?

and don't forget to smile and have fun you have worked super hard to get here!


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